Role UI/UX Designer of a solo project
Timeline Jan 2021 - Feb 2022 (8 weeks)
Project Type Google UX Design
| Overview

Koffy is an international coffee store chain with locations in New York, Chicago, Tokyo, London, Nantes, Reykjavik, and more. It aims to serve quality coffee with local flair. The shops are minimalist, clean-lined. Also, they offer ready-to-drink and whole or ground beans by the pound, and pastry.

Problem Statement
Time of waiting for ordering

Ordering from a coffee shop could sometimes be challenging for customers when it comes to time of waiting. Customers who order for takeaway might have limited time for waiting.

Insufficient seats in a shop

Finding seats in some popular coffee shops is not an easy task. Some customers will just leave to look for another shop which has enough seats, while the others will wait for an uncertain time just to have seats so that they can dine in.


📅 Booking

Customers can book their favorite days beforehand so that they can make sure they have seats to enjoy time in Koffy.



By ordering in advance, customers could take their time to pick up coffee and reduce waiting time.


🕙 Tracking

Knowing the preparing process of order, customers could not only save time waiting, but also pick up the order at the right moment.

Target Users
Business aspect

- Coffeeshop can reduce time on ordering and prepare orders more efficiently
- Increase the satisfaction of customers
- Develop the long-term relationship with customers

Customers aspect

- Order drinks and meals in advance and track the order anytime
- Save time on waiting no matter for orders or seats

| Research
Knowing our competitors
🤔 Most coffee shops don't support ordering on app

Some shops don't have app, some provide various information from promotion, menu to ordering tutorial on app, however, ordering and reservating aren't well designed.

Knowing our target users

To find out what target users might need and problems they have while ordering and having seats in the coffee shop, I have asked following questions to 82 people aged 22-30 years old, who are having similar patterns and behavior as our target users.

🔆 Insights from the survey

01 Even waiting for lining up is normal to people, still, a group of respondents feel impatient
02 Respondents would like to order on their own app instead of ordering at the counter

🚩 Turn into opportunities for Koffy

01 App supports both ordering and booking
02 Simple and function-oriented for users
03 History management for ordering and booking


Combining the specific goals and frustrations for our target users.
Cooper respresents the type1 user, and Farida represents the type2 user.

User Journey

Based on our persona, user journey elaborates their feelings and goals in different process and circumstances

| Ideate
Information Architecture

For users to navigate and find the main functions easily, they are all displayed on the Home page

User Flow

We are focusing on three main flows demonstrating how users reach their goals

| Design
Design System
Lo-fi Wireframe

| Testing
Moderated Usability Testing

The testing is done between mid-fi and hi-fi stage by 3 participants in person, ande 3 in remote.

Affinity diagram

After the testing, we sorts all the insights and feedbacks into different themes

🤔 Though we have listed all the ideas,
which one should we concern about first?

Two Factors Analysis

By doing so, it helps us find out our priorities which we can start with, and keep the rest in mind

Based on our first and second priorities from two factors analysis,we have four improvements at last

| What I've learned?
🔑 No shortcut for design

From the beginning of empathizing to the end of prototyping, I realized all the process matters and one is connected to the other. There's always a WHY beyond a process I had been doing, and I had to keep reminding myself of why I should conduct this and that, otherwise, I might just like complete the tasks without any purpose.

🎑 Stand back to see the full blueprint

During the whole process, it's important to remember what our goals and problems are all the time and avoid deviating by minor details.

💬 Solo project, lack of immediate feedbacks

Since this is my solo project, there's no team to review with me all the time. It's difficult to think from all the perspectives. However, this challenge did remind me not to fall into one angle when seeing or considering things.